
286 Norton Street, Leichhardt, NSW 2040

Entrance to our centre is via the waiting room, the door to the right. There is no entrance via the wooden door to the left.  


Public Transport

Light Rail from Central Station to Leichhardt North takes 26 minutes plus 5 minutes walk from Leichhardt North to the Centre. 
Various buses are available, please refer to buttons below.

Travel time from Central or Town Hall is around 20 minutes. 

Most convenient bus from the City is route 440.

Mailing address:
Sydney Centre of Self-Realization Fellowship
286 Norton St, Leichhardt NSW 2040

Please note we no longer have a PO Box Mailing address.

For regular updates on Sydney Centre activities, please join our email list.

For information about Sydney Centre of SRF, you can email us.

Or join us at one of our regular services and speak to any of our volunteers afterwards:

  • Sunday services 11 am to 12 noon
  • Thursday services 7pm to 8:15pm

Prayer requests

Monks and nuns of the Self-Realization Fellowship Prayer Council pray daily for all those who request prayers for physical, mental, and spiritual healing and for world peace. They are joined by SRF members and friends around the globe who are part of our Worldwide Prayer Circle.

All prayer requests are confidential and will remain with our Prayer Council for a period of 3 months.

If you would like the Prayer Council to pray for you or for someone else, you are welcome to request prayers.